Two-generation approach
Our daycare center is a great place to be an infant or toddler.
This on-site, state-licensed facility is available free of charge to current students and graduates who are in college. We have the capacity to care for up to 25 infants and toddlers each day, allowing for many baby-mommy learning opportunities.
Committed, passionate, and caring staff with almost 100 total years of childcare experience provide a loving and engaging environment for children. Our staff sustain deep, thoughtful, and respectful relationships with the babies and toddlers who come to the center. We also understand that we are creating an environment at a time when brain development is at its peak, so we implement best practices in early childhood development to give children a great start in life.
Early literacy development is a continuous process that begins in the first years of life, and grows through positive interactions with literacy materials and other people. All our classrooms are filled with opportunities and materials that foster early literacy. Books, songs, storytelling, and art projects all combine to introduce babies to the world of language.
We want the young mothers who come to The Care Center to be the best parents they can be.
Supplementing the early childhood development work we do in daycare, all students attending The Care Center take parenting classes. Every mother in our program learns about nutrition, child development, early literacy activities, safety, and discipline. We examine developmental milestones, and present strategies that foster healthy growth and development. In short, we help our students problem-solve the many challenges of parenting.